Thursday, December 31, 2015

Costa Rica, Day 3-- kayaking, chocolate, and waterfalls

Woke up to the sound of rain. Warm rain. No complaints. Scarfed a snickers (breakfast of champions, need the calories for these long active days) and then hit the REAL breakfast-- rice and beans; fresh papaya and pineapple; and some funky sausagey thang. Then we went out kayaking on the second largest lake in Costa Rica, around the Arenal volcano. Obviously, every kayak got flipped and it was a grand ol' Costa Rica time floating around in the water with soaking wet clothes and sore paddling arms.

Then we went and toured a chocolate plantation to learn how chocolate is made. Again, like the coffee plantation yesterday, I had NO idea so much went into it. We got to see every step the cacao beans go through, from growing, fermentation, roasting, winnowing, etc. the final product was a bowl of melted chocolate. Hhhhhh. The highlight was eating spoonful after spoonful of freshly made chocolate and mixing in all sorts of things-- sea salt, cumin, chilies, sprinkles, cardamom, raisins, EVERYTHING. So good. Will I ever be able to eat a Hershey's bar ever again?!?!???! (Lez be honest, the answer is yes, but I'll know what I'm missing).

Hit another waterfall this afternoon (500+ stairs to get to it. Helloooo, quads) and am currently lounging at some hot springs. I have no idea where we are, but it's Costa Rica-y and I'm content. 

Haven't checked my email (okay, maybe once) and haven't even LOOKED at my capstone (nope, not even once). Much needed vacation. 

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