Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Official Coloradoianer

Well, it's official. I've got my new Colorado plates, my driver's license, my car registration, a buncha other crap, etc. I'M A COLORADOIANER(???!). There were a trillion hoops to jump through to get all this stuff, but I did it, it's over, I'm done waiting in 80 hour lines at the DMV.

Not sure how I feel about going through such a racket to become a resident in a state I'm not sure I even like yet. It'll be good in the long run, because in-state tuition will be BALLINNNN', but... ehhhh. They make it hard to become a resident here. If I didn't have thousands of dollars in student loans on the line, I would say eff it all and go on being Vermonty with my Vermonty plates and Vermonty registration and sticking out like a sore thumb among all the Colorado and Kansas plates. I'm not sure whether the woman at the DMV took pity on me or what, but I got to keep my old plates, which I'm PSYCHED about. Gonna cherish those babies. Til death do us part.

Here are my new ones. My car's name is Suzi the Civic and has a distinct Christmas theme goin' on, brought on by the plates, which said "ELF." Didn't do that on purpose, it was just meant to be. I'm sad to be changing them and hope that Christmas will stick around, despite the lack of elves. (I'm sure it will, you can see a hint of the tinsel poking into the picture above). I was disappointed with the new ones until my dad coined the acronym QYC: "584-- QUIT YER COMPLAINING," which has become 1) my favorite thing to shout at whiners, and 2) my own personal motto about grad school. There's so much to complain about, but I should probably spend that time making flash cards instead...

So, there's that. I'm almost a resident. I just have to physically be here for 11 more months or something and that'll be that. Goodbye VT residency, it was so good to belong there. I miss it like y'all wouldn't belieeeeve.

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