Friday, September 5, 2014

Six kiwi for $1? Twenty fruit leathers for $1.50?! WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE

GUESS WHAT I FOUND. (Well, actually, someone told me about it, but THEN I WENT AND ACCIDENTALLY FOUND IT). (I feel like I've already used so many caps locks the actually thing that I found won't be as impressive as I'm making it out to be, so I'll make it bigger)


Y'all probably don't care, but I DO. That place is magic, lemme tell ya. It's a random mish mash of foods either beyond their expiration dates or with severely damaged packaging. It's like the land of misfit toys, except there's no Yukon Cornelius to lead you around and you have to pay for everything. That actually makes it sound bad.... 

Here's the story: I made a grocery list and headed out for the normal grocery store, King Soopers (the stupidest grocery store name I've ever heard of). I got lost, as is the usual for me in Greeley (I wonder when that will stop?), and instead ended up on 85 headed towards Denver, where I spotted Esh's Grocery. I decided to just shop there instead and that is when my whole life changed. 

I am being dramatic, but it's goddamn worthy of dramatics. I went in there and found absolutely nothing that was on my grocery list, but everything wonderful. I somehow narrowed down my "needs" to just this stuff and I spent less than $10. Fruit leathers, granola, quinoa, quinoa mac n/ cheese(!!!), fresh organic strawberries and tomatoes, and energy bars. 

I'll be buying meat and dairy products at normal grocery stores (probably), but for everything else, the discount place is where you'll find me. There were soooooOoOoOo many organic products and gluten free things everywhere. I'm going to be eating well and will never get bored, since the store content is always changing. There were some shelves with 50 cans of spicy refried beans and others with only 1 lone jar of jelly. It depends on what's goin' bad. 


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