Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Today was my last day of work at the hotel. It's been four years since my first day, and I'm gonna miss this place dearly. So many memz, so many hilariously awful guests. But that's another story. A whole lot of other stories. There might be a book already in the works, actually. I've seen some shit, y'all.

Anywho, I thought tonight would be just like any other ol' night and was feeling sorry for myself about 1) leaving my second home and 2) leaving my reliable source of income and 3) leaving the continental breakfast I sometimes stole fruit from, but THEN! Annmarie, my favorite housekeeper (jk she's our one and only housekeeper) started pep talking me and we DMC'd about life, love, bullshit, etc. It was like a middle school sleepover. She even did my hair. It was especially like middle school because having your hair cornrowed in 5th grade was a sign that you were one of the cool girls. I, unfortunately, was not one of the cool girls, BUT LOOK AT ME NOW, BITCHEZ. 5th grade me is cheering and grad school me is cheering too, but also sort of cringing.

I feel like Tricia from season 1 of Orange is the New Black,
 but, as Jack so perfectly put it, "less methy."
And then Bob, the manager, and his wife, Ryan, showed up with some delicious grapefruity German beer (that I drank despite the gluten) to hang out and say goodbye. I wasn't expecting any sort of going away party or unusual happenings on this last work shift, but it's been so lovely. Can't thank this tiny, tiny staff enough. 

*****UPDATE - It is 8:51pm and I'm leaving the hotel soon and the Avett Brothers are playing on Pandora and they always make me cry and I'm by myself in the lobby staring sadly into my own reflection in the front window. This is either the cliche end of a sad movie or that turning point where all of a sudden everything changes and the climax of the movie hasn't even happened yet. Oh god, and now that hallelujah song from Shrek is playing, I'm losin' it, bye

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