Friday, August 22, 2014

The worst day I've ever had, turned WONDERFUL.

Currently recovering from the shock of a bike wipe-out and the extreme kindness of the staff in the dean's office of the Nursing and Health Sciences department. I cancelled all my plans for today and spent most of the day watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding (for the 600th time, no regrets, OPAH) and back episodes of New Girl while I needlepointed little cacti on things with little mood-lifting reminders. Needed a day to just feel sorry for myself and reel myself back into my comfort zone for a little while.

I finally worked up the chutzpah to go to the gym and work off some of the day's gloominess, but then, as if today wasn't already bad enough, I wiped out hard on my bike in front of a bunch of the incoming freshmen. Went over the handlebars, but only ended up with a few scrapes and bruises, thank goodness. Mainly just bruised the ol' ego. That was the breaking point, though. Held it together until I locked my bike up and hit the nearest restroom in the closest building (which happened to be the building I'll have all my classes in), and then let loose. Felt like a scene straight out of an 80's coming-of-age movie. I thought the bathroom was empty and really went for it-- that drippy, heart-wrenching sobbing that only happens when you're at the end of your rope. But when I came out, there was someone from the dean's office waiting for me outside the door. She ushered me into her office, listened to my homesick ramblings, made me feel better, and sent me off with tissues and peppermint patties.

Things started improving after that. Met up with a couple new friends (!!!) to check out the free food-fest post-convocation. Gluten free tacos, chocolate-covered bananas, corn on the cob grilled in the husk... yeah, things got better. Getting out of my apartment and interacting with actual humans that weren't Zooey Deschanel was what I needed. Also, real food cooked by people who know what they're doing (unlike me) was refreshing, too.

And THEN. AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN I came home and checked my mail box-- LO AND BEHOLD, LETTERS. You all have to understand, I don't think this blog post accurately conveys how truly awful I felt today. Today has been the worst homesickness, the worst loneliness, the worst case of the blues I've had in a long, long time, maybe ever. And then I came home to a mailbox literally overflowing with mail. I immediately cried for the billionth time today, but the happiest of tears there ever could be. So grateful to have such lovely friends and family at home. So grateful for the perfect timing; just when I needed it most. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. I actually can't say thank you enough. The moment I checked my mailbox is definitely in my top 10 happiest moments in my life thus far. Overwhelmed. I can't wait to write each and every one of you back.

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