Thursday, August 21, 2014

Made a friend! Didn't get married!


Okay, I'll stop yelling in caps locks, but just know that everything I type in this post is very! exciting! and I'm still! screaming! in my head! I met this hip girl from Portland who also just so happens to be in the audiology doctorate program. SCORE. SO MUCH SCORE. She's been here for a month or so already, so she agreed to take me out to all the decent bars she knows and I agreed to give her a little gym equipment tutorial (because that shit is scary and hella embarrassing trying to figure out on your own in front of all the 300 lb football players). So, not only have I found a going-out buddy, I've also got a gym buddy, too. THANK JESUS.

More good news! I am now officially a regular at Margie's Blue Mug coffee shop because the barista knows my name and taught me how to pronounce acai (ah-sigh-eeee, apparently) and there are gluten free bagels, which means I will practically be living there. Hooray for second homes and carbs that won't make me sick.

More good news! Found a thrift shop with a killer 99 cent rack and an overwhelming amount of clothing ranging from clinic-appropriate to the standard hipster/grandma chic. Psyched. I scored a couple things, but the most noteworthy is this suede leather vest that fits perfectly and makes me feel like a true Westerner. I will find a way to wear it and werk it, even if I feel like an imposter/dweeb.

Here's the weird anecdote of the day: the very first person I met was right when I got to orientation, this guy from Florida. We sort of bonded a little bit over moving across the country by car. I said something and used the word "we," referring to me and my dad, and he immediately startled and was like, "Oh, you and your husband? I didn't see a ring." I didn't even try to hold it in, I was like, "UHHHHHHHH WUT. UHHHH YOU WERE LOOKING FOR A RING? UHHH NO." So. Here I am in graduate school. I guess this is the time people start being anxious about those things? That's the first time I've ever had someone assume I was married. Very strange, because just the previous day when I was giving myself a campus tour, I kept getting mistaken for an incoming freshman. I feel weird now knowing that people are specifically looking at my ring finger...

That's all for now. I'm pooped and it's only 3pm. Nap time. I have plans later to head to Fort Collins because one of the girls I toured Spain with is randomly there for the rest of this week! I went from zero to 60 in one day. Life is good, ladies and gentlemen.

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