Monday, August 18, 2014

Weepy, but Productive

Two days ago, when I first got to Greeley, it was hard because I'd been in the car for so long and seeing my new town (city?) was a shock to the system. I thought, "this is definitely the hardest part." Yesterday, I moved into my apartment, did all the last-minute apartment shopping, grocery shopping, etc that goes into picking up and setting down in a new place. It was exhausting, but I was excited to have that one huge mystery solved. I thought, "this was the hardest part and it's is finally over."

Now, it's Monday, my third day in Greeley. By FAR the hardest day. I dropped my dad off at the airport this morning, which was awful. Just awful. So hard. All of a sudden I was completely alone and 2,000 miles from home, lost in Denver traffic at rush hour, and feelin' wimpy. 

At a loss for what to do/how to stop crying/how to spend my day productively, I threw together a to-do list and that's helped me keep busy and explore the area by myself. I got my student ID card, opened bank accounts, had a meeting with the financial aid office, made a meeting with my program advisor, gave myself a tour of the campus, and went for a run (and had to stop pretty quick because the altitude is so freaky). I'm going to spend the rest of the day making my room feel like home. It's depressingly blank-walled right now and it literally makes me feel panicky looking at it. I think a trip to Target is in order...

Orientation is tomorrow, so hopefully there will be some human interaction goin' on. Don't know how long I could sustain myself like I have been today--  you can only go full-throttle for so long. I'm pretty good at keeping myself entertained, but it would be nice to make friends. Maybe. 

1 comment:

  1. Show us a picture of your walls when you're done! I bet they look great!
